Friday, April 10, 2009

The Wonderful Sleepy Wrap

I love my Sleepy wrap! It is 15 yards of purple fabric that allows me a little sanity each day. It is like putting my daughter back in the womb. She is all squished and warm and absolutely loves it. With the Sleepy Wrap I can hold and snuggle her and still be productive.

When Turner is particularly fussy we like to take walks with the Sleepy Wrap. I think my neighbors think I'm still prego and just really like wearing purple because when she is in it you do not see her at all...I just have a giant baby bump on my chest, but Turner usually passes out and I get some good sunshine, so I do not care what I look like.

Last time we went for a walk Turner was nice and fussy before hand and was due to eat again in about 45 minutes (she had just eaten like 30 minutes before this) so to stretch out my time and give my boobs a small break I stuck her in the wrap and went for a walk. It worked like a dream! She was out cold in less than 2 minutes!

My walking path is about 2.5 miles and takes me past my in-laws house at the half way point. When I was walking past their house, one of their neighbors was out and they wanted to see the baby. Being a new mom I love showing her off but have little experience in what waking up a hungry baby will do. I pull her out of the wrap and let the neighbor hold her while I tell her my crazy birth story and other general mommy talk. We had about 10 nice minutes before Turner started with fussiness that quickly escalated to out right screaming! I franticly leave the neighbors house juggling my baby, all the socks and hat she has screamed herself out of, my dog leash, keys and phone. I'm trying to stick it all in the wrap and head next door to my in-laws so I can feed this child.

Little did I know that they changed the locks just the day before because my sister in-law's purse had been stolen. Therefore, I am in their yard with a shrieking baby, a dog that is running around everywhere and no clue what to do next. I seriously contemplated just sitting in the grass and feeding my child right there, but the way she has been eating lately, I could be there for hours, so I just start walking. Maybe the movement of me walking will calm her down until we get home which is about 15 minutes away. No, her screaming just got louder. Someone is going to call CPS on me! In sheer desperation and panic I pulled down my shirt and undid my bra, put Turner on the boob and let her nurse while walking down the street! Thank goodness for the Sleepy Wrap as it kept us all covered and I hope no one figured out that my baby was hitting the buffet with incredible voracity. If they did then they really think I'm some weird hippy chick.

I still love my Sleepy Wrap and think it is kinda cool that I can breast feed in it, just one more reason it is the ultimate hands free mothering device, but I will try to only use the breast feeding function at home.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Poopy Day


As a very new parent I am very observant of my daughter's bodily functions
Since I'm breastfeeding, I'm always wondering how much she is eating and is she getting enough. Well the only way to check the input is to monitor the output so, for me; diaper changes are not gross but a source of information.

I thoroughly enjoyed changing her first poopy diaper on her first day of life; because it gave me the opportunity to give this being that my husband and I created a good inspection. Turner had been swaddled and wearing a hat from just a few minutes after she was born, so all I had really seen was her precious little face. With that diaper change I got to see the rest of her and all of it was precious. I loved her long little fingers, her daddy's feet and I even thought her pooper shooter was so precious that I did not even notice the meconium it had produced. I was just so happy it was working. It means she is getting colostrum from me and it is clearing out her system. Horary!

After that episode there were several days where there were no more poopy diapers as my milk had not yet come in. I was starting to wonder if my nursing was working.

On Turner's 5th day of life you can imagine my glee as I discover she has another poopy diaper and I get to change her (we've been fortunate to have so much help that I haven't had to change too many diapers). I was looking forward to another magical experience where I am just overwhelmed by how wonderful she is. I take my daughter and her diaper caddy to our bathroom. The counter in there is the perfect height and I can wash my hands right afterward before touching her or anything else. This was going to be great! I was going to change her diaper all by myself and prove I'm getting this mommy thing down.

I lay her down on her changing pad and have the new diaper all ready as well as the wipe. I pull off her old diaper and right as I'm doing the quick diaper swap, my precious daughter shoots liquid poop like a fire hydrant out across the bathroom! It goes all over her changing pad, the bathroom counter, the sink, the wall, the hand towel and me! I scream in shock and disgust but before I can even think about what to do next, she does it again!!!

By this time Mike and his grandmother, who had come for a visit, came running in to see why I screamed. But the scene was self explanatory and all I could say, "She just exploded!"

There was poop all over everything! Grandma Joan backed out of the room and basically said "Have fun kids. I've gotta go." Then she left us all alone with the nastiness. Did I mention poop was everywhere! We grabbed the paper towels and just started wiping, trying really hard not to vomit. This was soooo disgusting! During all the commotion Turner happily laid there looking at her reflection in the mirror not at all concerned at all that the lower half of her body was basically covered in pea soup poop!

Eventually we powered through and cleaned it all up. Thank Goodness we were in the bathroom where all the surfaces are non-porous. Could you imagine the horror if I had changed her on our living room ottoman like I had been doing up to this point!

Now I always giver her a few minutes before I change her to make sure she's done and then always change her diaper in the bathroom.

Mike and I have not quite recovered from this brutal initiation to parenthood. At least our daughter's plumbing is working, right?