I love my Sleepy wrap! It is 15 yards of purple fabric that allows me a little sanity each day. It is like putting my daughter back in the womb. She is all squished and warm and absolutely loves it. With the Sleepy Wrap I can hold and snuggle her and still be productive.
When Turner is particularly fussy we like to take walks with the Sleepy Wrap. I think my neighbors think I'm still prego and just really like wearing purple because when she is in it you do not see her at all...I just have a giant baby bump on my chest, but Turner usually passes out and I get some good sunshine, so I do not care what I look like.
Last time we went for a walk Turner was nice and fussy before hand and was due to eat again in about 45 minutes (she had just eaten like 30 minutes before this) so to stretch out my time and give my boobs a small break I stuck her in the wrap and went for a walk. It worked like a dream! She was out cold in less than 2 minutes!
My walking path is about 2.5 miles and takes me past my in-laws house at the half way point. When I was walking past their house, one of their neighbors was out and they wanted to see the baby. Being a new mom I love showing her off but have little experience in what waking up a hungry baby will do. I pull her out of the wrap and let the neighbor hold her while I tell her my crazy birth story and other general mommy talk. We had about 10 nice minutes before Turner started with fussiness that quickly escalated to out right screaming! I franticly leave the neighbors house juggling my baby, all the socks and hat she has screamed herself out of, my dog leash, keys and phone. I'm trying to stick it all in the wrap and head next door to my in-laws so I can feed this child.
Little did I know that they changed the locks just the day before because my sister in-law's purse had been stolen. Therefore, I am in their yard with a shrieking baby, a dog that is running around everywhere and no clue what to do next. I seriously contemplated just sitting in the grass and feeding my child right there, but the way she has been eating lately, I could be there for hours, so I just start walking. Maybe the movement of me walking will calm her down until we get home which is about 15 minutes away. No, her screaming just got louder. Someone is going to call CPS on me! In sheer desperation and panic I pulled down my shirt and undid my bra, put Turner on the boob and let her nurse while walking down the street! Thank goodness for the Sleepy Wrap as it kept us all covered and I hope no one figured out that my baby was hitting the buffet with incredible voracity. If they did then they really think I'm some weird hippy chick.
When Turner is particularly fussy we like to take walks with the Sleepy Wrap. I think my neighbors think I'm still prego and just really like wearing purple because when she is in it you do not see her at all...I just have a giant baby bump on my chest, but Turner usually passes out and I get some good sunshine, so I do not care what I look like.
Last time we went for a walk Turner was nice and fussy before hand and was due to eat again in about 45 minutes (she had just eaten like 30 minutes before this) so to stretch out my time and give my boobs a small break I stuck her in the wrap and went for a walk. It worked like a dream! She was out cold in less than 2 minutes!
My walking path is about 2.5 miles and takes me past my in-laws house at the half way point. When I was walking past their house, one of their neighbors was out and they wanted to see the baby. Being a new mom I love showing her off but have little experience in what waking up a hungry baby will do. I pull her out of the wrap and let the neighbor hold her while I tell her my crazy birth story and other general mommy talk. We had about 10 nice minutes before Turner started with fussiness that quickly escalated to out right screaming! I franticly leave the neighbors house juggling my baby, all the socks and hat she has screamed herself out of, my dog leash, keys and phone. I'm trying to stick it all in the wrap and head next door to my in-laws so I can feed this child.
Little did I know that they changed the locks just the day before because my sister in-law's purse had been stolen. Therefore, I am in their yard with a shrieking baby, a dog that is running around everywhere and no clue what to do next. I seriously contemplated just sitting in the grass and feeding my child right there, but the way she has been eating lately, I could be there for hours, so I just start walking. Maybe the movement of me walking will calm her down until we get home which is about 15 minutes away. No, her screaming just got louder. Someone is going to call CPS on me! In sheer desperation and panic I pulled down my shirt and undid my bra, put Turner on the boob and let her nurse while walking down the street! Thank goodness for the Sleepy Wrap as it kept us all covered and I hope no one figured out that my baby was hitting the buffet with incredible voracity. If they did then they really think I'm some weird hippy chick.
I still love my Sleepy Wrap and think it is kinda cool that I can breast feed in it, just one more reason it is the ultimate hands free mothering device, but I will try to only use the breast feeding function at home.